
Buy on Amazon, leave a review, I’ll look at your cover letter

Here’s a quick promotion for y’all, whether you’ve already purchased or if you’ve been holding off on buying.

If you have picked up the book on and leave a “Verified Purchase” review, I’ll take a look at one of your cover letters.

The review doesn’t need to be five stars–just informative. (I reserve the right to deny cover letter critiques to anyone who leaves a review that says nothing but “great book” or “terrible book.” I don’t care what you write as long as you write at least a few sentences!)

If you’ve already bought the book but haven’t reviewed it, all you need to do is log back in to your Amazon account and leave a review. If you haven’t bought the book, now’s a great time to do so as you’ll get a free cover letter critique with it!

Once you’ve done that, send me an email with a link to the review and one of your cover letters, and I’ll provide up to a page of feedback.

The feedback will be similar in tone and quantity to this example.

This promotion is for Amazon purchases only for now–sorry iTunes and Smashwords buyers–but I may open it up to other markets in the future.

Looking forward to hearing from you!